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Who it's for? - Canyoneers
What it does? - A super water and abrasion resistant canyoneering rope
How it does it? - A Technora® sheath and a braided polypropylene core
A 9 mm canyoneering rope designed specifically for wet canyoneering conditions. A Technora® sheath and a braided polypropylene core give the C-IV superior resistance to abrasion and water absorption, while retaining desirable low-stretch characteristics.
Made in the USA.
Core/Sheath: Polypropylene/Technora®
Rope diameter: 9 mm
Weight: 3.1 lbs
Elong. (@ 300 lb) (%): 2.0
MBS Rating (lb): 4,663
MBS Rating (kN): 20.7
Sheath Slippage (%): 0.0