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Who it's for? - Canyoneers
What it does? - A simple tool for escaping potholes
How it does it? - A rugged design that can be tossed out of potholes to act as a counterweight
Pot Shots are simple but effective tools for escaping keeper potholes. Fill them with sand, tie a rope to the attachement point, toss them out of the pothole you are stuck in, and then use them as a counterweight anchor to escape the pothole by climbing up the rope you attached.
For the Pot Shots to work properly, the far lip needs geometry that holds the Pot Shot, either by constriction or counter-balance. It is important to remember to toss the Pot Shot BEFORE you enter the pothole. Put in just enough sand to get the job done, so you can make the throw with adding excess weight. Have the lightest person in your party climb the attached rope gently.
When tossed for quite high, the bags CAN burst on impact. Don't over fill the bags to minimize this happening. Carry extra bags. At some potholes, 2-4 Pot Shorts may be required to make the escape possible.
(All hangtags currently say PotShot3 - but the product is the “4” version. The differences are minor, mostly in the realm of the sewing, although the “4” is about an inch shorter to help it throw a little better on long throws.)
Weight: 7 oz (200 g)